Dear Burnham Families,
This week we will be administering the Illinois Assessment of Readiness to students in grades 3 - 8. We have lost an hour this weekend due to Springing ahead one hour. Please make sure your child gets enough sleep this week to perform at their best during our assessments. Sleep and nutrition can have a huge impact on your child’s ability to focus and retain information. One of the most helpful things that you can do as a parent is to focus on supporting these basic needs. Well-rounded meals and a regular sleep schedule will help your child succeed in the classroom on a day-to-day basis. On testing days, it’s especially important to make sure that your child gets a good night’s sleep, starts the day with a filling breakfast, and goes to school with a water bottle to help stay hydrated.
We appreciate your investment in your child’s education and want to share with you some information about state and federally-required assessments. Federal law requires the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to administer certain assessments to all students who attend public schools in the state, including students who attend charter schools. According to federal law, students must take an achievement exam in reading/language arts and mathematics each year from third through eighth grade. In Illinois, students take the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR). These assessments help improve standards, curriculum, and instruction at the classroom, school, district, and state levels. The assessments play a role in helping ISBE and school districts identify areas where schools need targeted support. The average amount of time spent on accountability assessments represents less than 1 percent of the school year. We encourage students to do their best on all assessments. Federal and state law does not authorize districts or schools to excuse students from testing. ISBE does not provide guidance on “opting out” because such an option would violate the law.
We encourage students to complete as much of each assessment as they can. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ISBE Assessment Department at (866) 317-6034 or visit
We thank you for your dedication to supporting and serving all Illinois students.