Helping Children Cope with Tragedy

Dear Burnham Families,
I am angry, frustrated, and saddened by the tragic events in Uvalde, Texas.  Really, it's difficult to find the words to express my thoughts and emotions after another senseless loss of life, as our children are our most precious treasure. Here at Burnham Elementary School we have taken many steps to ensure the safety of our students, including remodeling our entrance way to ensure that all visitors must enter through the office.  ALL visitors must sign in and be released to the school through a another locked door in the office which requires the door to be electronically opened . Currently this year, we have not allowed any visitors inside of our school except for scheduled meetings with our administration or specific teachers. We will continue this process for the safety of our students. We also participate in many different safety drills throughout the year to ensure that our students and staff are well prepared in case of an emergency.
Please know that the safety of our students is our first and most essential priority. 

I have included a report to parents on "Helping Children Cope with Tragedy" . This resource is included in both English and Spanish.
Take great care of yourselves and your children and have a great holiday weekend!

Stephen Geraci
Burnham Elementary School