Thank you to all the families who came out and enjoyed our Día de los Muertos Celebration!! It was an amazing evening filled with art, music, food and fun!!
Have a great weekend! Don't forget to change your clocks.
Burnham School will be closed in observance
of General Election Day on
Tuesday, November 8th.
Burnham Elementary School
Now Accepting New Students
All children ages 3, 4, or turning 5 after September 1st-
Call our school office to schedule a screening.
Thank you to everyone who came out to support our Halloween event! 🎃It was a huge success!
On Friday, October 28 the 6th grade class created Sugar Skulls. The Sugar Skulls will be on display at the Dia de los Muertos celebration on November 2.
All Burnham School families are invited to attend the Dia de los Muertos event on Wednesday, November 2nd from 4-6 pm.
Village of Burnham marshmallow roasting and treats. Friday, 6 to 8 PM. Stop by the Village Hall after trunk or treat.
REUNIÓN DEL COMITÉ ASESOR DE PADRES BILINGÜES/ Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Time: Wed, Oct 26, 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Join the meeting:
Dial in (audio only): (US) +1 218-321-0296 PIN: 246 813 747#
Community Coffee Hour - Wednesday, October 26th
RED RIBBON WEEK, which is celebrated annually October 23-31, is the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention awareness program. Join us for a special Red Ribbon Week dress down schedule. Students not participating in Red Ribbon Week should wear their school uniform.
Good Morning Burnham Families,
First, we would like to thank you for your cooperation during our emergency lockdown at Burnham School yesterday. We know that events like these are worrisome and chaotic. It is only through cooperation and patience that we work through these situations keeping every one safe and accounted for. We would like you to know that at all times yesterday, your children were safe, cared for, and being looked after. Yesterday we were made aware of a message stating that a student had a gun. The Burnham Police was called immediately with assistance from the Calumet City Police Department and an emergency lockdown, our school emergency procedures, and response plan was put in place . During the lockdown it was decided that all children needed to be picked up individually after each classroom was declared safe by the police.
In order to ensure your child’s safety, it is necessary for us to follow some protocols related to picking up your child. We have precautionary lockdown drills throughout the year and plans for school evacuation and off-site school evacuation. I am including our School Emergency procedures and our Response Plan for reuniting with your children (also in Spanish). Our children are our most precious treasure and we will do our very best to protect them! Please make sure you are very familiar with the School Emergency Procedures and we are meeting with our staff during our School Improvement Day Early Dismissal on October 26, 2022 to discuss any issues we have with our current plan. An update will be sent out to all families should any changes need to be made.
Thank you again for trusting us with your children!
Buenos días familias de Burnham,
Primero, nos gustaría agradecerle su cooperación durante nuestro cierre de emergencia en la Escuela Burnham ayer. Sabemos que eventos como estos son preocupantes y caóticos. Es solo a través de la cooperación y la paciencia que solucionamos estas situaciones manteniendo a todos a salvo y contabilizados. Nos gustaría que supiera que en todo momento ayer, sus hijos estuvieron seguros, cuidados y atendidos. Ayer nos enteramos de un mensaje que decía que un estudiante tenía un arma. Se llamó inmediatamente a la policía de Burnham con la ayuda del Departamento de Policía de la ciudad de Calumet y se puso en marcha un cierre de emergencia, los procedimientos de emergencia de nuestra escuela y un plan de respuesta. Durante el cierre, se decidió que todos los niños debían ser recogidos individualmente después de que la policía declarara que cada aula era segura.
Para garantizar la seguridad de su hijo, es necesario que sigamos algunos protocolos relacionados con la recogida de su hijo. Tenemos simulacros de encierro de precaución durante todo el año y planes para la evacuación de la escuela y la evacuación de la escuela fuera del sitio. Incluyo nuestros procedimientos de Emergencia Escolar y nuestro Plan de Respuesta para reunirse con sus hijos (también en español). ¡Nuestros niños son el tesoro más preciado y haremos todo lo posible para protegerlos! Asegúrese de estar muy familiarizado con los Procedimientos de emergencia escolar y nos reuniremos con nuestro personal durante nuestro Día de mejora escolar Salida temprana el 26 de octubre de 2022 para discutir cualquier problema que tengamos con nuestro plan actual. Se enviará una actualización a todas las familias en caso de que sea necesario realizar algún cambio.
¡Gracias de nuevo por confiar en nosotros con sus hijos!
Wednesday, October 19 · 3:30 – 4:30pm
Google Meet joining info
💉Today...Burnham Elementary School will be hosting a FREE COVID - 19 Vaccination & Booster Clinic. Walk-ins welcome!!
Drink Pink Lemonade fundraising orders are due by Wednesday!
🌸 $2 per bottle if you are interested.
Hope to see you on Friday at the first PTO meeting of the year!! 6 pm in the school cafeteria
Attention Burnham Parents… our phones are currently not working. Please contact your child's teacher through Remind if needed or in an emergency you can contact the following number 312-505-3883. Thank you.
Just a reminder... School Picture Day is Thursday, October 13th.
On Oct. 20th students are invited to wear pink to support breast cancer awareness. Teachers are collecting $2 for the "DRINK PINK" fundraiser. All proceeds will go to Breast Cancer research. 💖
On Friday, October 7th the 8th grade class visited Springfield, Illinois.